Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Medication options for acne sufferers

by: Marc Howlett
Oral Acne Medication Options At the onslaught of puberty, many teens suffer from various radical changes - physical, physiological, emotional.. you name it! Of course, one of the most apparent transformations is that of the physical changes. Aside from the males developing more muscles and moustache and females developing their breasts and hips, there's this one change that commonly annoys an enormous portion of the adolescent population. Acne vulgaris!Acne vulgaris is also known as acne or pimples in more common terms. Overproduction of oil that suddenly happens to teenagers and sensitivity to dirt are the precursor to this menacing skin disorder. But those two or their combination are not the only cause of breakouts. Many other factors could trigger acne. Genes, weather conditions and certain substances from food may set off the invasion or just the presence of acne. Dermatologists and researchers have been trying to discover the best acne medication. Acne, no matter how miniscule a disorder it may seem, needs adequate attention.
These tiny bumps on one's face could elicit major effects on a person. Not only vanity motivates experts to find or formulate the most excellent acne medication. Ridicule for having a pockmarked complexion is often one of the leading causes of low self-esteem among adolescents. What's worse is that this lack of confidence may be brought until one reaches his maturity. The most recent forms of acne medication are the following:Oral Antibiotic Acne Medication. This type of medication should always be mediated by consulting a physician. Various acne medication antibiotics that may be taken by mouth are supported by researches. Assorted antibiotics that act as acne medication are intended for moderate, severe to persistent types of acne. It is very important that a doctor is asked first on which antibiotics for acne medication is right for you.Cortiscosteroids. Very severe acne may be prescribed with this acne medication antibiotic. This potent antibiotic is usually taken in a short span of time only. They have metabolic effects that make them inappropriate for long-term use. Oral Tetracycline. This antibiotic is one of the most popular oral acne medications. Moderate to severe acne may be treated with an initial dose of 500 to 1000 mg per day in a decreasing dosage as skin condition improvement is noted.
This antibiotic is not for the pregnant women since it can cause skeletal defects to fetus. Children with age of under 8 years are also not advised to be given this medication.Oral Minocycline and Doxycycline. These acne medications in the form of antibiotics are only derived from tetracycline. Research evidences tell that these acne medications are more effective than tetracycline. Doxycycline is reported to induce sunlight sensitivity. Both are advised not to be taken by pregnant women.Oral Erythromycin. This antibiotic that serve as an acne medication may be taken as an alternative to tetracycline since it is safer for pregnant women and young children.Isotretinoin. This acne medication antibiotic is said to revolutionize acne treatment due to its potent effect in dealing with severe and treatment-resistant acne. Reports has it that isotretinoin is very effective in treating all forms of acne. But it should be noted that many side affects are also attributed to isotretinoin. This includes severe birth defects to a fetus, dryness of the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, pregnant women, breastfeeding women or those who are planning to become pregnant must not take isotretinoin as a form of acne medication.
About the Author
Stephen Brown offers advice to acne sufferers from the young to old at hiswebsite: www.acne-support.info

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Using Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) as an Acne Treatment

by: Ryan Bauer
How Pantothenic Acid WorksMany people have commented before that I recommend vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) a lot to acne sufferers. There happens to be a reason for that: It is what cleared my acne. Totally. 100% Eliminated. If you haven't tried it before, I strongly urge you to give it a go, it really is amazing stuff.Pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5, is commonly supplemented in large doses to reduce oil production and help rid your skin of acne. It works like Accutane, in the sense that it reduces oil production. Pantothenic acid, however, works by helping your body to metabolize the fats in your body that later turn into sebum. Accutane actually shrinks the oil glands to block the oil from coming through to your face. Since pantothenic acid addresses the underlying problem, it is, in fact, the more efficient solution.Let's get into the details of how exactly pantothenic acid works. During your natural metabolism process, your body breaks down fats.
When your body lacks enough coenzyme-A, not all of these fats can be broken down, and your body has to get rid of them some how, so they are ejected through your oil glands on your skin in the form of sebum (oil). By creating more coenzyme-A, these extra fats can be broken down with the rest, and oil production will be greatly reduced.Coenzyme-A is made up of three things: Cysteine, ATP and Pantothenic Acid. Your body takes care of cysteine and ATP by producing it by itself, so vitamin B5 is the only thing that you have to take in through food. By supplementing with pantothenic acid, more coenzyme-A is producted, fats are broken down better, and less oil ends up on your skin. Without too much oil on your face, when a pore gets clogged, the p. acnes bacteria will have nothing to feed upon and can't thrive to cause acne in the first place.Considering that pantothenic acid works for more than 90% of the people who take it, including myself, it's a very effective medication. Since it's all natural and water soluble, it's much safer than Accutane, which only works for 70%-80% of the people who take it. It's also more efficient than Accutane, because it eliminates the problem, instead of covering it up by shrinking the glands and trapping the fats inside the body.Supplementing with Pantothenic AcidAs I've said before, to address a pantothenic acid deficiency, you have to take large amounts of it, up to around 12 grams or so.
Not everyone has to take quite that much though, so the recommended dosage is as follows: Start out with around 4 grams per day. Always divide the doses into 4 times per day, spreading them out as much as possible. To prevent stomach irritation, the only known side effect of pantothenic acid, try to take it with food or at least a glass of water.If the 4 grams doesn't work for you, slowly ramp it up until you start to see results, stopping at around 12 grams. When you find a dose that seems to be working for you, stay with it for about two months straight, continuing to divide the doses so that you are splitting the dose into 4 parts. After those two months or so, you should be able to slack back on it until you start seeing negative results to find out how much you will need to continue to take as a "maintenance dose".The only thing to watch out for is that pantothenic acid can deplete your body of other B vitamins, so a B-50 complex should be taken with it. Some say you should also take Zinc with it, though I only take B-50.Since pantothenic acid has to be taken in large doses to see results, that means you can forget trying to get enough by eating foods high in it, or through a multivitamin or B vitamin complex. You can even forget about taking pantothenic acid pills, since that means you would have to take 20+ pills every day.
There's only really one reasonable way to take the amount of B5 you will need to treat acne, which is pantothenic acid powder.Pantothenic acid pills can't be found in most stores, much less the powder form of it. Some health food stores might have it, but the ones around my area didn't. You might be able to talk to someone at the store and have them order it for you, though it's usually marked up quite a bit. The easiest and cheapest way to get pantothenic acid powder is to just order it online. A Google search will uncover many websites, such as Amazon.com, which sell pantothenic acid powder at a great price.
About the Author
Ryan Bauer is a former acne sufferer from Springfield, MO. He runs an Acne information website located at http://www.AcneElimination.com

Friday, 24 April 2009

What's The Real Cause of Acne?

by: Houa Yang
Most acne medications only mask the symptoms of acne and does nothing to stop the real cause of acne. This is why people buy acne products month after month (year after year). And every time they stop using the product acne would come back again and again. What you need to do is find out what the real cause of acne is and stop it. So what's the real cause of acne? Acne occurs when your body contains more toxics than your kidneys and bowels can remove. (Your kidneys and bowels are the two primary channels of elimination that your body expel toxics and waste products through.) These toxics can be the accumulation of fat stored chemicals the liver can not wash out or there may be a problem with fat digestion, fat accumulation, food allergy, or even the accumulation of hormones that your body produces.
Once these toxics build up, your kidneys and bowels can get overloaded and clogged up, causing it to not function properly. When that happens some of the load will be dumped onto your liver. One of your liver's main roles is to metabolize pile up fat into usable energy for your body. This means, your liver will be doing some of your kidney's work. So now, your liver gets overloaded and it too will not work at full capacity. What happens when your bowels, kidneys, and liver gets overloaded? When that happen your body will expel toxins through your lungs and skin (your secondary channels of elimination). And this is when acne occurs. This is when your skin starts to breakout. But whatever the toxic source is that‘s causing this problem, acne is a sign that your bowels and kidneys are overloaded with toxins, waste products, or hormones. It is a sign that your liver is growing weaker in its detoxification abilities (and it will continue to grow weaker if you do not do what it takes to get rid of the toxics in your body). So if you think that acne is your only problem, think again, your liver, kidneys, and bowels are getting weaker every time you breakout.
About the Author
Houa Yang is the author of "The Definite Guide To Acne Free Skin." It reveals how you can get rid of acne in 3 days & stop it from ever coming back! For more information visit: http://www.howtogetridofacne.com

Thursday, 23 April 2009

How To Use Fish Oil to Help You Stop Acne

by: Rudy Silva
If you want to control acne breakouts, you need to supplement your diet with fish oils which contain omega-3 and omega-6 oils. These fish oil also contains EPA and DHA fatty acids which are necessary for creating prostaglandins.Normally, enzymes in your body break down omega-6 into DGLA, AA, EPA and DHA fatty acids.Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA)Arachidonic Acid (AA)Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)These four fatty acids eventually change into prostaglandins.What are prostaglandins?Prostaglandins are chemical hormones that come from omega-3 and omega-6 oils and that help,regulate every function in your cells and organs.Postaglandins also keep androgen hormones in control so that excess sebum is not produce in the hair follicle, which results in acne.
This is the reason why Essential Fatty Acids – Omega-3 and Omega-6 – are critical foods to eat.However, eating plenty essential fatty acids may not insure that you produce enough EPA and DHA, which produce the essential prostaglandins.It is critical for acne and more importantly for your health that you get enough EPA and DHA in your cells and organs so they can produce the required prostaglandins.To increase the prostaglandins in your cell walls, it is necessary for you to take a fish supplement, which contains both the EPA and DHA.Of course eating salmon, halibut, and mackerel twice a week will be a plus in providing your body with more EPA and DHA.Here’s what I use daily. Spectrum Essentials puts out an excellent product calledOmega-3 Norwegian Fish OilTwo capsules containsEPA – 360mgDHA – 240mgOmega-3 – 892mgStearic, Lauric, Palmitic Acids - 508mgUsing the Omega-3 Norwegian Fish Oil is critical in getting relief from acne, so take two capsules per meal.
When your body creates prostaglandins, it creates a good prostaglandin and a bad prostaglandin. Here’s how to encourage the production of good prostaglandins.·Maintain a ratio of two times more omega-6 than omega-3 in your diet.·Eating too much omega-6 can lead to producing excess bad prostaglandins.·Take a multi-vitamin and minerals with your meals to provide these nutrients for breaking down theessential fatty acids into prostaglandins·Reduce the amount of meat, saturated fat, dairy, and eggs you eat to reduce the production of AA, which blocks the activities of the good prostaglandins·Eat cold water fish at least twice a week to provide EPA and DHA to your dietInclude at least 20% of your diet calories as good fats – omega oils and fish oil. This is essential for controlling the excess activity of your hormones and reducing the inflammation of your acne.
About the Author
Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. For more information on acne go to: http://www.acne-remedies.for--you.info

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Let's Dispel Some Acne Myths

by: Jon Davis
It is the bane of a person’s existence. Everybody gets it; everybody hates it. And once you have it, prepare to be tormented, embarrassed and humiliated. Such a small bump, so much at stake. So what is this little bundle of horror? What else but the dreaded pimple!A pimple, or acne as some people calls it, is a dreaded red, swollen bump in the face. Nobody is spared from having it. Male or female, American, Chinese or Puerto Rican, they all have gotten it at some points of their lives and may even still have it. It is like a universal language; it is like a right of passage in a person’s life. Acne is a result of the hormones action on the skin’s oil glands (the sebaceous gland) which leads to clogged pores and outbreak of lesions like pimples, blemishes or acne. Acne commonly occurs in the neck, face, back, shoulders and chest because the sebaceous glands are most abundant in these locations. But the important question we should be asking to be able to avoid this dreaded “disease” is, “What causes this pain in the neck called acne?”Unfortunately, the causes of acne cannot really be determined (unless your parents or their parents are acne infested too then there’s a big, big chance you’ll be called acne face by your peers and classmates) thus the acne myths are born! These myths claim to be the cause of acne. We shall enumerate them here.Acne Myth Number 1Acne is caused by not washing your face often and not scrubbing it hard enough. Many believed that acne is caused by dirt and dust in the face and by washing your face two-three even four times a day or even by scrubbing your face hard can prevent acne. Wrong, wrong, wrong! It is true that dirt and dust is unsightly to the face and washing the face is the way to eradicate them but washing often can actually irritate the skin more. Washing should not be done more than twice a day. More than twice is enough to strip the face of its natural oils making it dry. Also, scrubbing can cause inflammations. Washing the face should be done as gently as possible with the gentlest facial scrub.Acne Myth Number 2Improper Diet can cause acne. Certain foods that are oily like French fries and junk food can cause acne to erupt in our face. But scientific studies have not discovered any connection between these two. So this means that food does not cause acne. Though a proper and healthy diet is always good for our system, eating like a pig won’t make pimples a permanent resident in your face. So feel free to eat your favorite Lay’s, French fries and chocolates anytime.Acne Myth Number 3When you’re stressed acne tends to pop on your face like popcorn pops from a kernel. Not true. Stress is a part of our daily lives and believe it or not it is not a contributing factor to the acne residing in your face. Only severe stress treated by the doctor MAY cause acne to erupt only as a side effect of the drugs a person may be taking. If this is the case, consult your doctor immediately.
About the Author
Discover all you need to know about acne and what you can do to combat and prevent it from taking over your life. Visit Adult Acne SolutionTotal Health & Fitness Resource at #1 Health Fitness

Monday, 20 April 2009

Proactive Facial Cleanser for Acne

Proactive Facial Cleanser For Acne
by: M.D. Stacener
Acne can be a tough problem to fight but it can be done. The question always becomes what is the best acne treatment? The answer is always the same, the product that works for you is the best treatment. One product that many have had success with is the Proactive facial cleanser.
For those that are lucky enough not to have suffered from acne they tend to think it’s just a minor problem, or that it’s just a teenage problem. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Acne can be can cause emotional turmoil and play on the one’s self esteem. Teens are especially hit hard. In no other time in our lives is the way we look so important to us and the comments made by other teens can be really hard on ones self esteem.
For some the acne disappears as they leave the teen years behind only to reappear the occasional zit. For others they continue to suffer sometimes into their 50’s. Acne sufferers will tell you that the problem is not so trivial as some might think.
This is one of the reasons that The Proactive line of skin care products has met with such anticipation. Especially the gentle proactive facial cleanser which has proven to be a real solution for many acne sufferers.
Most acne sufferers have spent years trying one cleanser after another, sometimes having good results, other times failure. But the proactive facial cleanser seems to be something different. It works at attacking the acne at the root of the problem or should we say the follicle of the problem. Several testimonials and reviews seem to indicated that many users have had excellent results with the Proactive facial cleanser.
If you want to hear it from the users, you need only do a quick search online for acne sufferers’ forums and discussion groups. There you can read for yourself how a group of people all had found results from different products yet when this group all tried Proactive Facial Cleanser they all reported good results. Even for those that did not see their acne disappear found their acne reduced to a level they could deal with in no time at all.
For years acne patients have searched the globe to find a product that worked and worked well, while enduring the physical painful and the mental anguish. Acne can be socially debilitating. Finally here is a product that seems to make a real difference in the quality of their skin and as their skin improves so does their self confidence. It appears Proactive might found the magic mix of ingredients.
The main products in the Proactive acne line are the cleanser, the toner, and the repairing lotion. Proactive says this is a unique combination therapy with the ingredients in each element of the acne solution working together to improve the condition of your skin. Not only does it eliminate the acne skin develops a healthy youthful glow. Now that’s magic! This could be a brand new day in acne treatments!
About The Author
MD Stacener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at http://www.acnel.com/.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Microdermabrasion Acne Treatments - Harsh of Helpful?

Microdermabrasion Acne Treatments – Harsh or Helpful?
by: Peter Crump
Many people think of microdermabrasion acne treatments as those supplied in salons by professional skincare specialists, but there are actually a multitude of microdermabrasion acne treatments available on your drugstore shelves. Many of the well-known and highly effective acne control products available today include beads or crystals that offer a microdermabrasion effect. But many acne sufferers have been warned off using harsh products on their skin, as these can simply exacerbate the condition rather than helping to control it. Microdermabrasion acne treatments work by scraping away impurities and dead skin cells – surely this is not a treatment suitable for daily use? Won’t this aggravate my skin, leaving it raw and sore? Older products might in fact have had this effect upon the skin – usually exfoliants were recommended as a once or twice a week treatment.
But advances in skincare have produced a wide variety of microdermabrasion acne treatments that combine an exfoliating effect with mild and soothing cleansers, which in combination can clear the skin of debris without aggravating sensitive skin. In fact, using a mild exfoliant, such as those used in microdermabrasion acne treatments, is one of the most effective weapons in acne control. The daily use of these microdermabrasion acne treatments clears the skin of impurities, leaving it refreshed and revitalised, allowing blemishes to heal and preventing new ones from forming. The beads or crystal are complimented by other ingredients, such as salicylic acid, which are established tools in acne control. The combination of two powerful cleansing substances doubles your power in the fight against acne. While this type of dermabrasion acne treatment might not be suitable for those with extremely sensitive skin, these products contain soothing ingredients that make them suitable for daily use in acne control. Home dermabrasion treatments are usually offered with toners and other products, and it is important to use all of these in combination, as the ingredients in each balance the effects of the other. These skincare packages offer a complete routine for your skin that can make a real difference to your acne. Try a microdermabrasion acne treatment, and see what its gentle power can do for you. Microdermabrasion acne treatments may be simpler than you thought.
About the Author
Find out more about Natural Acne Treatments as well as Acne Scar Removal and Adult Acne, Acne Skin Care Products, the Best Acne Treatments and more at Peter’s website, Acne All Gone.

Friday, 17 April 2009

Medication options for acne sufferers

Medication options for acne sufferers
by: Marc Howlett
Oral Acne Medication Options At the onslaught of puberty, many teens suffer from various radical changes - physical, physiological, emotional.. you name it! Of course, one of the most apparent transformations is that of the physical changes. Aside from the males developing more muscles and moustache and females developing their breasts and hips, there's this one change that commonly annoys an enormous portion of the adolescent population. Acne vulgaris!Acne vulgaris is also known as acne or pimples in more common terms. Overproduction of oil that suddenly happens to teenagers and sensitivity to dirt are the precursor to this menacing skin disorder. But those two or their combination are not the only cause of breakouts. Many other factors could trigger acne. Genes, weather conditions and certain substances from food may set off the invasion or just the presence of acne. Dermatologists and researchers have been trying to discover the best acne medication. Acne, no matter how miniscule a disorder it may seem, needs adequate attention.
These tiny bumps on one's face could elicit major effects on a person. Not only vanity motivates experts to find or formulate the most excellent acne medication. Ridicule for having a pockmarked complexion is often one of the leading causes of low self-esteem among adolescents. What's worse is that this lack of confidence may be brought until one reaches his maturity. The most recent forms of acne medication are the following:Oral Antibiotic Acne Medication. This type of medication should always be mediated by consulting a physician. Various acne medication antibiotics that may be taken by mouth are supported by researches. Assorted antibiotics that act as acne medication are intended for moderate, severe to persistent types of acne. It is very important that a doctor is asked first on which antibiotics for acne medication is right for you.Cortiscosteroids. Very severe acne may be prescribed with this acne medication antibiotic. This potent antibiotic is usually taken in a short span of time only. They have metabolic effects that make them inappropriate for long-term use. Oral Tetracycline. This antibiotic is one of the most popular oral acne medications. Moderate to severe acne may be treated with an initial dose of 500 to 1000 mg per day in a decreasing dosage as skin condition improvement is noted. This antibiotic is not for the pregnant women since it can cause skeletal defects to fetus. Children with age of under 8 years are also not advised to be given this medication.Oral Minocycline and Doxycycline. These acne medications in the form of antibiotics are only derived from tetracycline. Research evidences tell that these acne medications are more effective than tetracycline. Doxycycline is reported to induce sunlight sensitivity. Both are advised not to be taken by pregnant women.Oral Erythromycin. This antibiotic that serve as an acne medication may be taken as an alternative to tetracycline since it is safer for pregnant women and young children.Isotretinoin. This acne medication antibiotic is said to revolutionize acne treatment due to its potent effect in dealing with severe and treatment-resistant acne. Reports has it that isotretinoin is very effective in treating all forms of acne. But it should be noted that many side affects are also attributed to isotretinoin. This includes severe birth defects to a fetus, dryness of the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, pregnant women, breastfeeding women or those who are planning to become pregnant must not take isotretinoin as a form of acne medication.
About the Author
Stephen Brown offers advice to acne sufferers from the young to old at hiswebsite: www.acne-support.info

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Causes and effects of acne - Understnad your acne treatment

Causes and effects of acne – understand your acne treatment
by: MR
There are several acne care treatment methods that work well and are not very time consuming or expensive. Such techniques would be the treatment with alpha hydroxy acid or several forms of chemical peels that can do wonders for zit treatments. These methods of getting rid of acne are proven and effective and many cases of patients suffering from aggravated pimple irritation found these to be the perfect acne treatment. In the following article we will look closely at the above-mentioned acne care treatment methods and help you decide which technique will work best for your pimple problems. Acne Care TreatmentThe causes of acne are tied to the changes that happen when a child passes from infancy to puberty. Many persons still believe that acne is caused by dirty skin. The truth is, instead, is that to only wash the skin does not make acne disappear, nor does it prevent it. Adult acne treatment methods works just like those addressed to other age groups. To wash the skin, however, helps to remove the excess of sebum and the dead cells of the skin, and adults should be aware of this as well. Many persons use every type of product, including alcoholic detergents and exfoliant creams, often irritating the skin more than clearing it! Adult acne treatment approaches should also consider the social and psychological effects of adult acne. To wash the face two times a day, in a delicate way with water and a delicate detergent, is the best choice. However, acne is caused from a complex array of biological factors that cannot be eliminated just by washing. For this reason, it is necessary to begin a serious adult acne treatment focused on the problem of acne.Adult acne treatment – myths and factsIn some cases, acne also persists in the adult age. This type of acne, generally, hits the skin of the face, but also the one of the body, and men are more exposed then women. Adult acne treatment for women takes into account the fact that the appearance of this type of acne is parallel to the menstrual cycle. In other cases, the acne is introduced randomly in the adult age: this type of acne plagues men and women alike. Acne is not caused by food, but some food items do have the potential to irritate the skin. To follow a tight diet will not recover your skin. While some think that their problem of acne is aggravated from the foods they consume (like the chocolate, drinks, fat oysters and foods), there are no scientific tests that demonstrate this being true. However it is not a mistake to avoid the fatter foods, but a focused and well-applied adult acne treatment is also necessary in order to get rid of this annoying condition. There are several ways to eliminate zits in adulthood. The most successful acne treatment methods may include acne blemish laser treatment, acne rosacea treatment, laser acne treatment. Consult with your dermatologist in order to determine which adult acne removal treatment will work best for you. Treatment – Alpha hydroxy acidAlso known in the medical community as ascorbic acid, this technique mainly focuses on improving the levels of oil in the skin. It actually reduces the oil amount produced by the skin, thus diminishing the chances of acne eruptions. Alpha hydroxy acid also reduces the number of dead cells in the skin so your face looks healthier and with less irritation. This particular acne care treatment is effective when used in the early or mid stages of the problem, but it also used in severe acne treatment. The acid is found in several acne treatment drugs and ointments Chemical peels acne treatmentIn most cases, chemical peel treatments are used to remove lines under the eyes and around the mouth, as well as, sun-damaged skin, mild scarring, age spots and other skin problems. Acne treatments may include this method in which the dermatologist applies a certain chemical substance to the skin. The targeted spot blisters and can be peeled off. This method of acne care treatment is effective mostly for removing scars, especially in the facial area. The treatment is accompanies by some heat and stinging sensation, a fact that most patients found acceptable given the efficiency of the acne treatment. Acne care treatment final remarksThere are several other methods for curing acne, such as home remedies or laser treatment. In order to select the best treatment for your pimple and zits you should consult with your doctor or dermatologist. For more information please visit: Acne Blemish Laser Treatment - http://www.acnexpert.com/blemishlaser.htm
About the Author
Body Acne Treatment - http://www.acnexpert.com/bodyacne.htmProactive Acne Treatment - http://www.acnexpert.com/proactive.htmAll acne information - http://www.acnexpert.com/index.htm

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Birth Control Pill for Acne

by: Rodel Garcia
There are quite a few prescription medications used to combat acne, but one of the most frequent choices for women is the use of a birth control pill for acne. This approach can be used with teenagers as well as adult women, but if you're a guy, you are out of luck. Using the birth control pill for acne on a man is a recipe for disaster. The female hormones would wreak havoc on a man's system.
For women though, the birth control pill for acne can be a minor miracle. And if your acne is severe enough to require use of the most dangerous acne drug, birth control is an absolute necessity. You will not be able to take the risky drug without also using the birth control pill for acne.
Why does using the birth control pill for acne work?
Teen girls and women often experience outbreaks of acne just before their menstrual periods. This is especially true with teens because their hormones are often surging out of whack and haven't settled into a more even production yet. The birth control pill for acne works by evening out those hormonal surges. When a woman's hormones are regulated by using the birth control pill for acne, they often find the breakouts lessen in both frequency and severity.
Is taking birth control pills for acne right for you?
The hormones estrogen, progestin and testosterone can be wildly unstable in the first few years after a girl enters puberty. The fluctuating levels of these hormones can really irritate the acne nearly all teens are prone to suffer. For girls experiencing moderate or worse breakouts, and the embarrassment that comes with them, using birth control pills for acne can be a miracle. Not only do their systems calm down, the breakouts become milder. Adult women often appreciate the clearer skin that comes with the pill, even though they weren't using birth control pills for acne in the first place.
If you are suffering severe acne problems, your doctor may choose to put you on very effective medication called isotretinoin. This drug, sold under the name Accutane, is very powerful, highly effective and absolutely not to be used during pregnancy. This is where birth control pills for acne are most often prescribed.
Accutane can cause such damage to a fetus that if a doctor prescribes it for you, he is required by law to make sure you have two negative pregnancy tests no more than a week before you start taking the drug. You have to be using birth control, so most doctors prescribe birth control pills for acne as well, and you must have a negative pregnancy test before each month's refill of Accutane.
These regulations have been in place for some time, but because pregnancies while on isotretinoin are still happening, new federal regulations have been added. If you take the drug, you are required to sign into a national database so doctors, pharmacists and the government can track users of the drug and make sure all the anti-pregnancy precautions are being taken, including birth control pills for acne and a second form of birth control.
What are the side effects to taking birth control pills for acne?
If your doctor prescribes birth control pills for acne and you take the correct dosage, using the medication according to instructions, then the side effects are very minimal.
The standard but generally low risks of birth control pills for acne or other uses include weight gain, nausea, irregular or breakthrough (during the month) bleeding. In very rare cases, this medication can cause problems with blood pressure, blood clots and perhaps even heart attacks or strokes.
One important thing to know about taking birth control pills for acne is that if your doctor also prescribes antibiotics, and you're using the pill for pregnancy protection as well, you'll want to add a backup method of birth control. The birth control pill for acne will still help manage your skin, but can fail to protect you from pregnancy while you're also on antibiotics.About the Author
Rodel Garcia was an acne sufferer one time in my life. WebAuthor of these websites and hoping in my own little way help the acne sufferers cure their acne.. Acne SCAR Products and ReviewsAcne Products and Reviews

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Cure Acne Naturally in 3 days

by: Peter Morgan
Look Better, Feel Better, and Raise Your Self-Esteem by Banishing Your Acne in Only 3 Days. Chris Gibson shows how to cure acne naturally, using a simple natural acne remedy can follow. Scars can be removed with this treatment too. The pain and agony of acne can now be cured in a 3 day treatment using an easy program. Treating, removing and curing acne naturally is possible in three days. Many satisfied customers are stating similar statements to Chris who said "I didn't think I would Ever get rid of the acne that had tormented me for so long. I desperately wanted to feel better about myself. I wanted the acne Gone - so, I gave it a try. After 3 days, I woke up and made the slow walk to my bathroom mirror. I walked in with my eyes closed, and when I opened them, my jaw dropped to the floor!”The skin care method consists of natural ingredients everyone can get a hold of. Many of the ingredients are available right in your home. It is a guaranteed method to reduce and clear acne (blackheads, whiteheads, zits, pimples). Many users have mentioned how they lost their acne overnight. Chris is so sure about this natural acne remedy that he offers a 90 Days Money Back Guarantee.
Learn more http://tinyurl.com/cnb8aChris Gibson states, "You will find that your acne will start to disappear - if not totally be gone - at the end of 3 days. You will spend more time with your family and friends, showing off your clear skin. You will feel better and look better, and your self-confidence and self-esteem will go through the roof! Plus, you will never have to worry about having a serious acne problem again. After trying this simple, natural acne remedy, I have been acne free for over nineteen years! That is why you need something besides a cream. You need to find a system that will cure the problem from the inside out.The cure found in our book can be applied at your house. No need to go to the doctor or spend thousands of dollars on prescription medicines.For additional information on how to cure acne naturally go to: http://tinyurl.com/cnb8a
About the Author
Peter Morgan is a 10+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner. http://tinyurl.com/cnb8a

Monday, 13 April 2009

Create Your Own Acne Cure

by: Naweko San-Joyz
Since 1982 Accutane has been a reliable, if not controversial, drug for treating severe acne. Now with FDA representative David J. Graham’s statement that Accutane should be taken off the market, and pharmaceutical manufacturer La Roche’s defense of Accutane’s safety in a Florida courtroom, access to Accutane faces mounting restrictions.
Author of Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne, Naweko San-Joyz, understands the concerns facing acne sufferer’s who desire Accutane-like results. San-Joyz conducted research to inexpensively mimic the effects of Accutane. “ Accutane provokes five acne-fighting actions that anyone can replicate using nutrition and self-care”, explains San-Joyz.
Reduce excess oil secretion:Accutane is a derivative of vitamin A and reduces the secretion of oil by the oil glands. Foods that supply the body with Vitamin A and beta-carotene (which is converted to vitamin A by the body) include: Liver, oily fish, whole eggs, carrots, sweet potatoes, and broccoli.

Encourage extreme shedding of the skin:Using a peel is the easiest method to promote shedding of the skin. Exfoliation releases the build-up of dead skin cells, oils and bacteria trapped in the pores, which could lead to the formation of blemishes.
Extreme peelsPeels come in varying degrees, from mild to harsh. The trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peel is an extreme peel that can cost from $100 to $1000 depending on the degree of the treatment. It is only performed in a doctor’s office. The TCA is not a save all however. The peel can make the skin sensitive to the sun cause hyper-pigmentation.
Home use peels:Several over-the-counter peels contain papaya enzymes or glycolic acid. These peels lightly exfoliate the skin and are safe for weekly use.
Reduce the spread of bacterial infection:Using an astringent such as witch hazel or apple cider vinegar to disinfect the skin significantly reduces the presence of bacteria on the face. This reduction limits skin inflammation and the likelihood of a pimple developing.
Enhance Fat Metabolism:Free fatty acids can irritate the skin and provoke acne eruptions. Reducing intake of foods containing hydrolyzed fats will improve fat metabolism. However, do consume essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are found in foods such as salmon and olive oil. These essential fats aid the gastrointestinal tract eliminate pro-inflammatory substances, which reduces the possibility of experiencing acne lesions.
Reduce inflammation:A strong immune system serves as a buffer against inflammation. Stress reducing activities such as exercising, eating a well-balanced diet and sleeping well boosts the immune system. A diet supplemented with B-Complex, zinc and vitamins C and E likewise enhances the effectiveness of the immune system.
Like Accutane, these five steps will not work overnight. Accutane works via creating a bodily environment that is not conducive to acne. By adhering to the nutritional and aesthetic steps above, anyone can attain clear skin while simultaneously augmenting their health. For more acne self-care tips visit www.Noixia.com or read Acne Messages at www.Amazon.com (ISBN: 0974912204).

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Proactive FAcial Cleanser For Acne

by: M.D. Stacener
Acne can be a tough problem to fight but it can be done. The question always becomes what is the best acne treatment? The answer is always the same, the product that works for you is the best treatment. One product that many have had success with is the Proactive facial cleanser.
For those that are lucky enough not to have suffered from acne they tend to think it’s just a minor problem, or that it’s just a teenage problem. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Acne can be can cause emotional turmoil and play on the one’s self esteem. Teens are especially hit hard. In no other time in our lives is the way we look so important to us and the comments made by other teens can be really hard on ones self esteem.
For some the acne disappears as they leave the teen years behind only to reappear the occasional zit. For others they continue to suffer sometimes into their 50’s. Acne sufferers will tell you that the problem is not so trivial as some might think.
This is one of the reasons that The Proactive line of skin care products has met with such anticipation. Especially the gentle proactive facial cleanser which has proven to be a real solution for many acne sufferers.
Most acne sufferers have spent years trying one cleanser after another, sometimes having good results, other times failure. But the proactive facial cleanser seems to be something different. It works at attacking the acne at the root of the problem or should we say the follicle of the problem. Several testimonials and reviews seem to indicated that many users have had excellent results with the Proactive facial cleanser.
If you want to hear it from the users, you need only do a quick search online for acne sufferers’ forums and discussion groups. There you can read for yourself how a group of people all had found results from different products yet when this group all tried Proactive Facial Cleanser they all reported good results. Even for those that did not see their acne disappear found their acne reduced to a level they could deal with in no time at all.
For years acne patients have searched the globe to find a product that worked and worked well, while enduring the physical painful and the mental anguish. Acne can be socially debilitating. Finally here is a product that seems to make a real difference in the quality of their skin and as their skin improves so does their self confidence. It appears Proactive might found the magic mix of ingredients.
The main products in the Proactive acne line are the cleanser, the toner, and the repairing lotion. Proactive says this is a unique combination therapy with the ingredients in each element of the acne solution working together to improve the condition of your skin. Not only does it eliminate the acne skin develops a healthy youthful glow. Now that’s magic! This could be a brand new day in acne treatments!
About The Author
MD Stacener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at http://www.acnel.com/.

Clear your Acne and have Perfect Skin - Naturally!

by: Ryan Bauer
Most people who suffer from acne go out and spend good money on common over-the-counter acne treatment products. The truth is, most of these products are full of chemicals that can actually slow down the healing of acne, and irritate your skin, causing farther breakouts.When an acne product has 20 ingredients listed on it, it can be hard to know if one of those ingredients is actually stopping you from having success. It can be even harder when you can't pronounce the ingredient, much less know what it is and how it is going to affect your skin.Most mainstream acne treatments are not only much more expensive than common household items, but they also don't always work as well either.

With that in mind, I will list some basic household items that can work wonders on clearing up your skin. Baking soda – A very cheap cooking ingredient that most people have in their homes already, baking soda can be used as a great scrub. The purpose of a scrub is to exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin that can eventually clog pores and lead to acne spots. To start off, you'll want to mix a small amount of baking soda with some water for form a paste. Baking soda is very effective as a scrub, so you want to be sure to be extra careful when applying it to your face. Gently massage the paste into your skin for ten to fifteen seconds. Then rinse the baking soda off, and pat your face dry with a clean towel.Apple Cider Vinegar – Though most people that use vinegar to treat acne use the apple cider form of vinegar, you can also use plain old regular vinegar.

Regardless of which type you use, vinegar can be very helpful with it comes to clearing up acne. It can kill off acne causing bacteria, balance your skin's pH, and absorb extra oil on your skin.Starting with clean, dry skin, apply diluted vinegar (eight parts water to one part vinegar) directly to your skin with a cotton ball, and leave it on. If you want, you can also use a stronger vinegar solution (say, 2 or 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar), and apply it directly to problem areas, rinsing it off after ten minutes.Lemon or lime juice can also be substituted for vinegar. Both of these juices are rich in citric acid, and can exfoliate your skin very well, halting the growth of acne spots, as well as fading previous, non-active acne quicker.

Egg Whites – Rich in protein, egg whites can be used as a mask to heal and rebuild your skin. It can also help to absorb excess oil from your skin.To start off, crack an egg, removing the yolk so that just the egg whites are left behind. Beat these egg whites, and apply them directly to your face. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, and then rinse the egg off.Oatmeal – As odd as it may seem, oatmeal can absorb unwanted oil and draw out impurities which reside deep in your skin. Cook some plain oatmeal like you would for consumption. Let it cool off, and rub it over your clean skin. Let it sit for a while, like you would a mask, and then rinse off. If you do this on a regular basis, you should begin to start noticing results soon.Tea Tree Oil – TTO is a commonly used all-natural household antiseptic, which you can pick up at most drugstores or supermarkets. You can apply TTO directly to acne spots to kill bacteria, or, if you strongly dilute it with another oil (such as jojoba oil), over your entire face.

Tea tree gel can be easier to apply than the oil, and many are made for applying over large areas of skin, so they aren't quite as strong as straight TTO and do not need to be diluted.Pantothenic Acid (Also known as Vit. B5) – Pantothenic acid can be taken in large quantities for the benefit of acne reduction. B5 works by helping your body to metabolize fats which would otherwise be later turned into sebum (oil) and excreted through the skin. Small amounts of B5 won't help though, and it has to be taken several times a day.To help with acne, you will need to take 2.5 grams of pantothenic acid (the powder form is much easier to take), 4 times per day, for a total of 10 grams per day. Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera has been used for many years in kitchens for topical application to burns. Another benefit of aloe is that it can prevent scaring, fade marks and help heal acne spots.You now have an idea of some basic household items you can use on your skin, that work better than many OTC acne products, and are much cheaper to use. Since we have only really covered basic acne treatments, you can always take this to another level and take all natural, internal acne treatments.

This sums up our basic list of natural alternatives for chemical based acne treatment products. You can take this a step farther by attacking your acne from the inside out. Acne has been shown numerous times to be very closely affected by the digestive system, so keeping your entire digestive system working as smooth as possible can help reduce acne. I will help give you a basic idea of some all natural products you can take to help clear up acne.Cucumber, lemon and carrot juice, brewer's yeast, and active charcoal pills are all capable of helping the digestive system function normally. Since the digestive system is closely related with the health of the skin, they should help reduce acne breakouts. Flax seed can also be wonderful for helping your skin heal faster.

About the Author
Ryan Bauer is a former acne sufferer who writes health articles and runs his acne treatment website, Acne Elimination.